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Monday, February 21, 2011

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment- How to Live with General Anxiety Disorder

Life is never easy for anyone. No matter who you are, you are going to have to deal with some strife if you truly want to live. Unfortunately, for people like myself, and probably you too, if you're coming across this site, living is made extremely difficult. So much so that your mind may wander into some dark places where you consider not living. The difficulty in life for me came from my affliction of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (or just General Anxiety Disorder, or further still, GAD). There's a plethora of scientific mumbo jumbo I don't really care to explain about GAD, but if you've got it, you'll know because of the constant anxious feelings that you end up having to endure for seemingly no reason. This post is going to go over some of the ways I managed to endure my life with General Anxiety Disorder before ridding myself of it using Panic Away. You can jump straight to my Panic Away review by clicking here:

Otherwise, let's move on to living with General Anxiety Disorder, and discuss methods for generalized anxiety disorder treatment.

When I was first diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, it was the 1980s and though medicine wasn't exactly archaic, it was not nearly as developed as it is now. The reason I bring this up is not because we currently have magical cures for general anxiety disorder, or some super special generalized anxiety disorder treatment (because the truth is that even now doctors aren't capable of agreeing on the cause and best method for generalized anxiety disorder treatment), but to mention that back then it was even more poorly understood. 

I remember the first time I heard the term mentioned, I had no idea what it meant. My doctor explained general anxiety disorder was simply a tendency to worry about everyday things in disproportionate amounts to the cause of the worry. The first thing that they would suggest back then was to get counciling, and though council can be useful, you will probably not be recommended this course of generalized anxiety disorder treatment right away. Instead, the common idea is to prescribe medication to patients who have the symptoms associated with generalized anxiety disorder. 

But what if you can't take medication? One of the biggest problems with the now almost de facto course of generalized anxiety disorder treatment is the amount of side effects associated with these drugs. Though you may experience hot flashes, nausea, numbness, insomnia and other health problems by being afflicted by general anxiety disorder, these drugs can increase the symptoms and also cause lack of focus and a general slothful feeling throughout the day. I won't say you'd be high, but you would most definitely not function at full capacity while on the majority of generalized anxiety medication. 

So how can you live with GAD without taking medication and therapy? The answer I found is minimizing your exposure to stressful situations. I know, it doesn't make much sense because you find every situation stressful. But if you're anything like I was, you WILL notice when you start to stress out over something that isn't that serious. You will be able to understand that it's not an enormous issue, even as you nearly (or possibly just do) have a panic attack. That logically means that the stuff you "rightfully" stress out over is any situation left over. So your best generalized anxiety disorder treatment plan (which will also be helpful in panic attacks treatment, by the way) is to keep note of these kinds of situations, and just avoid them from that day forward, if possible. In my life, I used to get horribly anxious when shopping at stores. One rather painful story is when I almost passed out in GNC. But a situation I had the right to be stressed over was being late on my rent. I started to avoid paying for certain things and saving so I wouldn't have to stress in this way.

You won't be able to avoid all your worries, but you can easily deal with most truly stressful situations in your life by avoiding them. Living with generalized anxiety disorder is not exactly impossible, but generalized anxiety disorder treatment can become very difficult if you don't have any idea where to turn to. Luckily, there are possible ways to cure panic attacks and good methods for generalized anxiety disorder treatment.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 Tips on Panic Attacks Treatment and Panic Disorder Treatment

If you're anything like a normal panic attacks sufferer, then you've probably spent far too much of your time searching for panic attacks treatment and have seen little to no success. You may have tried tons of medication to treat your anxiety symptoms, or maybe you've tried the non medicated route and have nothing to show for it but a steadily worsening panic disorder. Panic disorder treatment usually goes one of these two ways, simply because panic attacks are such a misunderstood (if they are even understood at all) medical condition.

Panic attacks are commonly considered to be caused by too much emotional, mental or physical stress disturbing the natural way your body works. Luckily it's possible to deal with panic attacks naturally by dealing with the stress causing parts of your life. Unfortunately identifying what stresses you emotionally can take years of therapy, identifying what stresses you out mentally and physically may be easier, but for most of us it's something like our job or married life, and let's face it, you just can't snap your fingers and be rid of your stressful 9-5. Not and keep your family afloat, anyway. So what do you do for panic attacks treatment if you can't just cut off the anxiety symptoms at the root? Here are five things you can do for panic disorder treatment. They may not change your entire life, but hopefully they will empower you and allow you to more readily deal with the root cause of your anxiety symptoms.

1. Eat properly. Almost every part of your body and mind can be managed better with proper diet. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and eating smaller meals throughout the day will not only keep you physically fit, it will keep your body's normal chemistry right where it should be and your symptoms of anxiety will start to feel like a thing of the past.

2. Drink plenty of water. If you've suffered from anxiety long enough then this panic attacks treatment probably won't come as a surprise to you. Drinking water during an attack is a very helpful method for panic disorder treatment, and though it may not be the perfect cure for panic attacks, it can definitely take the edge off to have a nice cool drink of water.

3. Get enough sleep. Rounding out the list of physical remedies comes sleep deprivation... deprivation. Basically, make sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep whenever possible (every night is preferable) and when you feel tired during physically laborious tasks or otherwise uncomfortable moments you take a rest.

4. Breathe deeply and slowly.... Breathing exercises (like the common paper bag routine) definitely work for panic attacks treatment. If you want to know how to treat the symptoms of anxiety attacks, panic disorder treatment, or all of the above, then look no further than your nearest guidebook to proper breathing. I find meditation is also a good way to deal with stress, though it's kind of a subcategory of breathing exercises.

5. Take a vacation. You don't have to go to Hawaii or anything, but the next time you have a weekend to yourself (or relatively, if you've got kids at home) then just set aside the day and do nothing but relax. A lot of coping with anxiety comes down to how well you can handle yourself on your days off. The most common cure for panic attacks back in the early days of psychology, before the brain was understood half as well as it is now, was to simply relax and take it easy.

The five tips above are designed to be done by anyone, anywhere, and work astoundingly well. But they are not the end all be all of cures for panic attacks. Want to learn how to cure panic attacks, more panic attacks treatment methods, and more panic disorder treatment methods?

How To Cure Panic Attacks Naturally

If you want to know how to cure panic attacks naturally, then first you must realize how they are caused, and how to identify if you are actually having a panic attack. Panic attacks treatments are usually performed without the actual afflicted person having any idea how they work. This is especially true when you start talking about using medication for anxiety and panic attacks. Luckily, there are methods that work without medication to lessen the symptoms of panic attacks and make them much more manageable. If you just understand what a panic attack is, you will learn how to cure panic attacks much faster than anyone else looking for cures for panic attacks.

So what is a panic attack? Coming from someone who used to be plagued by them, I can tell you they are not fun. Panic attacks manifest slightly differently in everyone, but common symptoms of anxiety and panic attack symptoms are: heart palipations (you feel like you're having a hear attack), hard time breathing (people use a paper bag to restore their breathing, normally), and numbness or fleeting feeling in your extremities. The cause of panic attacks isn't really known without a shadow of a doubt. Commonly psychologists attribute the physical symptoms of anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) to stressors in the everyday world and/or emotional/physical or mental traumas. It's for this reason that a medical cure for panic attacks would focus on adjusting the body's natural chemical balance to lessen symptoms.

But because of the fact that they adjust the chemical balance, you may experience unwanted symptoms when using medication for anxiety or medication for other panic attack treatment. When it comes to learning how to overcome anxiety without medication, the road is a little tougher. You can definitely eliminate anxiety without taking pills, but most tactics out there aren't going to be useful to you, especially if you are a long time sufferer of panic attacks.

Don't get me wrong, many of the so called cures for panic attacks work in the short term, but it can be frustrating to not see long term results and have to constantly retreat from social engagements and take a breather outside, or to find a comfort zone when doing ordinary tasks like shopping or hanging out with friends. While all methods on how to cure panic attacks naturally vary, almost all of them involve a lot of "mind over matter" methods designed to make you forget you were having a panic attack. While this may be ideal to those who don't want to take medication for anxiety symptoms, these natural cures for panic attacks usually end up making you feel worse from all the effort you put in. Trust me; I speak from experience when I say this does not work. You still have generalized anxiety disorder, or whatever underlying condition that causes your panic attacks, and it just becomes too exhausting after a while. But don't worry, there is  a way to completely and naturally cure panic attacks.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Full Panic Away Review- Will Joe Barry's Panic Attacks Treatment Work For You?

Note: This post will contain a full, unbiased review of Barry "Joe" Mcdonough's Panic Away Program, if you're not interested in a Panic Away review, you can check out the site yourself by clicking this link:

Official Panic Away Website

Hey, I'm Phil, and the reason I made this blog was because I was a sufferer of GAD, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder and I frequently encountered the dreaded panic attacks. My first panic attack happened in college in the middle of a history test. I felt all the standard symptoms- slight dizziness, heart racing like a NASCAR driver, dry mouth, difficulty breathing and just about anything else you could imagine. I thought I was having a heart attack or maybe something even worse. But when I went to the doctor he just told me that I probably had a panic attack. I didn't know what that was and the Internet wasn't too big back then, so I had to do my research the old fashioned way. And it led me nowhere.

Unfortunately, my panic attacks didn't stop, and later visits to my doctor taught me I had developed GAD, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (also known as just general anxiety disorder). Day after day I had to worry about having another panic attack, and there didn't seem to be anything doctors could do. I searched in vain for panic attacks treatments and how to cure panic attacks, but I could find nothing. Eventually I couldn't deal with the stress any more and I just dropped out of college before finishing.

Luckily I managed to secure a job in one of my favorite hobbies, photography, and though I'm happy with my current life as a full time photographer I still wonder what I could have done had I just found out how to cure panic attacks back then. Oh, did I mention that I DID find a cure?

Click Here to Skip to the Cure!

Over 15 years after I dropped out of college, I was still suffering from GAD and having panic attacks with no answers on how to cure panic attacks and no known effective panic attacks treatment. The frequency increased so much a few summers ago that I decided I had to do something. I went to the Internet, desperate for a solution, a way to treat panic attack symptoms. Unfortunately, no generalized anxiety disorder treatment I ever came across seemed to work the way I wanted. Almost anywhere you go online you hear about medications for panic attacks treatment, and I did NOT want to medicate myself for fear it would jeopardize my existing job (how many drugged up photographers do you know of? exactly) I went through therapy for an extended period of time after I dropped out of college too, and it did nothing to help me learn how to cure panic attacks.

I was so frustrated I almost had a panic attack while at my computer. Just when I was about to give up, and just resign myself to living a life constantly exhausted from anxiety, and constantly afraid of when my next panic attack would occur, I found a method that sounded interesting- Panic Away, an online and physical product by Barry McDonough. The first thing I noticed about Panic Away was that he claimed it would not just treat panic attacks, but actually cure panic attacks. This sounded unbelievable to me, but I was so desperate that I decided to give it a shot, figuring I could fall back on the 60 day refund policy. This, as it turned out, was the best decision I'd ever made when it came to finding out how to cure panic attacks and finding panic attacks treatment.
But now on to the full Panic Away review. The writing in the actual book guide is great and easy to understand in every place especially on the method of how to cure panic attacks, I found one paragraph particularly meaningful, as it talked about how Panic Away approached panic attacks treatment, and panic attacks in general, at a completely different angle. Here's that paragraph:

I can't share more in this Panic Away review due to copywright law (this is, after all, a Panic Away review), but trust me, the rest of the book is just as well written as the above. He opens the manuscript with a familiar story of a "Jane Doe" feeling panic attack symptoms for the first time in her life, and who later becomes concerned and tries to find out how to cure panic attacks. It's during her story, though, that Panic Away provides an incredible amount of detail in regards to how panic attacks happen. Joe Barry goes through the full physiological response the body has in plain English; no medical jargon. He attributes panic attacks to three main stressors, and uses his method to combat these stressors to put an end to panic attacks, unlike other panic attacks treatment which only treat symptoms.

He goes on to talk about people who suffer from the very real generalized anxiety disorder and even talks about agoraphobics and similarly disabled individuals looking for more than just how to cure panic attacks or panic attacks treatments. When he covered some of the more disabled people than me, and told me that he had personally helped them through their disorder and got their lives back on track, I was hooked. I knew that if his method could really work on people with such debilitating disorders, then I really had a chance with this book, and it may finally teach me how to cure panic attacks.

I kept reading (lucky for you reading this Panic Away review) until I got to what was one of the most important sections on how to cure panic attacks- the actual explanation of the "21-7" technique for panic attacks treatment. I went over the One Move Technique for several days, wondering if this panic attacks treatment would work. The first time I read the section all the way through I was shocked by how ludicrous the panic attacks treatment sounded. The logic fit to me, but actually having to think about doing it was making me nervous. If you check out Panic Away, you'll understand. Let's just say I was a little apprehensive about the One Move Technique for how to cure panic attacks. But Joe Barry walks you through even after he's explained it, and after a few read throughs and proper preparation (he'll tell you how to mentally prepare yourself for the panic attacks treatment as well) you feel comfortable trying this generalized anxiety disorder treatment/panic attacks treatment.

After I finally managed to absorb the technique, and really focus on how to cure panic attacks based on what it was telling me, I began to work it. This being an unbiased Panic Away review, let me tell you... I failed miserably the first few times. Actually it was probably more than a few. I think deep down I just didn't believe, because no matter how hard I tried to implement the technique, I still felt panic gripping me. It was only after I listened to the mp3 files that it really started to gel in my mind, and I understand the full scope on this method of how to cure panic attacks. And because of how this panic attacks treatment technique works, I didn't have to wait until my next panic attack to try it out- I really just kind of sat down and did it.

This is not really part of the Panic Away review, but let me just tell you... From that day forward, my life has been drastically different. I don't fear going out with friends or my family. I'm not full of dread and fear of a panic attack while standing in line at the grocery store. I'm not constantly on edge for no reason, having to put up with questions like "are you alright?" I don't feel like collapsing after day off because I've been working my mind and body so hard to hold the panic attacks back. No more deep breathing or finding my happy place, because I'm already there.

I'm sorry for the length of this Panic Away review, but I really want you to know the truth. Panic Away is not a scam. Joe Barry is probably a stand up guy, I've never met him, but with all those he's helped by his program, I could only think he's a very nice person. Will his panic attacks treatment work for you? I can't say for certain, of course, but you really should give it a try if you feel anything like I did. I only wished I'd discovered Panic Away sooner.

Click Here to Visit Panic Away's Official Site, and Good Luck

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