Otherwise, let's move on to living with General Anxiety Disorder, and discuss methods for generalized anxiety disorder treatment.
When I was first diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, it was the 1980s and though medicine wasn't exactly archaic, it was not nearly as developed as it is now. The reason I bring this up is not because we currently have magical cures for general anxiety disorder, or some super special generalized anxiety disorder treatment (because the truth is that even now doctors aren't capable of agreeing on the cause and best method for generalized anxiety disorder treatment), but to mention that back then it was even more poorly understood.
I remember the first time I heard the term mentioned, I had no idea what it meant. My doctor explained general anxiety disorder was simply a tendency to worry about everyday things in disproportionate amounts to the cause of the worry. The first thing that they would suggest back then was to get counciling, and though council can be useful, you will probably not be recommended this course of generalized anxiety disorder treatment right away. Instead, the common idea is to prescribe medication to patients who have the symptoms associated with generalized anxiety disorder.
But what if you can't take medication? One of the biggest problems with the now almost de facto course of generalized anxiety disorder treatment is the amount of side effects associated with these drugs. Though you may experience hot flashes, nausea, numbness, insomnia and other health problems by being afflicted by general anxiety disorder, these drugs can increase the symptoms and also cause lack of focus and a general slothful feeling throughout the day. I won't say you'd be high, but you would most definitely not function at full capacity while on the majority of generalized anxiety medication.
So how can you live with GAD without taking medication and therapy? The answer I found is minimizing your exposure to stressful situations. I know, it doesn't make much sense because you find every situation stressful. But if you're anything like I was, you WILL notice when you start to stress out over something that isn't that serious. You will be able to understand that it's not an enormous issue, even as you nearly (or possibly just do) have a panic attack. That logically means that the stuff you "rightfully" stress out over is any situation left over. So your best generalized anxiety disorder treatment plan (which will also be helpful in panic attacks treatment, by the way) is to keep note of these kinds of situations, and just avoid them from that day forward, if possible. In my life, I used to get horribly anxious when shopping at stores. One rather painful story is when I almost passed out in GNC. But a situation I had the right to be stressed over was being late on my rent. I started to avoid paying for certain things and saving so I wouldn't have to stress in this way.
You won't be able to avoid all your worries, but you can easily deal with most truly stressful situations in your life by avoiding them. Living with generalized anxiety disorder is not exactly impossible, but generalized anxiety disorder treatment can become very difficult if you don't have any idea where to turn to. Luckily, there are possible ways to cure panic attacks and good methods for generalized anxiety disorder treatment.
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